Reviewed by more than 28 consumers, more than 50% of the reviews about this FawkesBOX phone charm had positive sentiment, meaning that these customers would probably advise purchasing this product when asked about a recommended phone charm.

$49.95 (as of 01/05/2023 22:36 PDT details )


  • Copper rated 160 dB of shielding to hide your cell phone signal on the grid. FawkesBox blocks cellular, Bluetooth, and Wifi signals.
  • Find the dB shielding rating before you buy another Faraday Shield so you know what you are getting. Aluminum Bags get 44dB on average.
  • FawkesBox shields iPhone X to 160 dB unusable signal in field tests on youtube and FawkesBox websites.
  • Forensic Protection from tracking, data hacking and video audio spying while in the FawkesBox. Hint Use a pager while smartphone is in the Box to know when and who is calling. Then you can move to a safe area to return calls.
  • Fits iPhone X iPhone 6, 7, 8 but no plus sizes and Cell phones and Cases up to 3 x 6 x .625
  • Fits phones 3 x 6 x 625 or 152 mm x 76 2 mm x 15.8 mn
  • Protects your phone from hackers and trackers while in the box
  • iPhone Field tests FawkesBox Copper sleeve directly underneath a cell tower measure 135 dB No signal . Regular aluminum bags measure around 44 dB
  • RFID Shield