ORGANIC BAOBAB POWDER Baobab comes from Africa s Tree of Life and is known to be Africa s super fruit. It is known for its unique ability to dry out on the branch. The Baobab fruit is similar to a coconut in appearance and has a hard brown exterior. When you open the shell of the fruit
DIGESTIVE AID FOR ADULTS Because this powder contains both soluble and insoluble fiber it is great for your digestive system. In addition to regulating your digestion, this powder can be beneficial for reducing gut inflammation to improve nutrient uptake.
BONE STRENGTH SUPPLEMENTS ORGANIC The dried powder of baobab fruit is particularly concentrated with minerals, and two of these, calcium and magnesium, are important minerals for bone strength. If you are worried about bone mineral density loss as you age just add a baobab supplement to your health regimen is never a bad idea to keep your bones strong and durable into your old age!
ORGANIC SKIN SUPPLEMENTS Foods rich in vitamin C are a cornerstone of the anti wrinkle diet. Vitamin C, whether derived from foods or dietary supplements, helps your body form collagen and elastin, two structural proteins that give your skin support and elasticity. In addition to being a natural source of vitamin C
OUR GUARANTEE PREMIUM QUALITY SUPPLEMENT PROUDLY MANUFACTURED IN THE USA! We use only the very best ingredients, all of which are manufactured in state of the art facilities, with strict adherence to good manufacturing practices GMP .