Specially designed with its flexible body, to make it easy convenient to maneuver operate along tricky complicated corners and slippery walls alongside the pool.
Equipped with 4 weights to make it sink and get right to the bottom of the pool and lets it stay there till you re done, to guarantee an enjoyable experience.
No extra equipment needed in order to operate this vacuum cleaner, just simply adjust to your garden hose which through its water pressure will give it the power to suck and collect all unreachable leaves and debris at the bottom of the pool pond.
Take no risk safe to use and user friendly, no worries to use around children or little ones, to assure everyone s well being and safety.
Made of durable and sturdy material molded from ABS plastic, making it light weighted, extra durable, resistant to withstand all types of pool chemicals, to assure you a long lasting benefit from this vacuum head.