Android Controller F4 phone controller is a universal controller compatible with both mainstream mobile OS, supporting any games whose virtual buttons can be dragged, including Pubg, Knives Out, Rules of Survival, Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
Plug and Play Controller Mobile Controller GameSir F4 don t need to connect Bluetooth or any apps. Compared to the traditional gaming controller, playing games become more safe and easily. Note Remove the case before use.
Delicate Inside Design the shape of F4 is similar to the falcon, it is small and portable, take it in your pocket playing games everywhere. F4 controller s power switch is set as a invisible one, when you use it, it will turn on naturally.
4 Burst Modes F4 controller is a deadly weapon to take enemies down fast and it is armed with the selector as the same as the real M4A1 does, which you can select a suitable burst mode according to the battlefield status.
Short Distance Click Buttons GameSir F4 helps you tackle any problems you may face in gaming. All buttons of F4 gaming controller are tested extremely to ensure up to 5 million times lifespan.