$89.00 (as of 05/11/2020 04:49 PST details )


  • Oil Paintings Size 24x48 Inch 60x120 cm .
  • Suitable for hanging in the bedroom, kitchen, office, Hotel, dining room, bathroom, bar etc. A great gift for your relatives and friends.
  • Stretched and Framed decorative canvas oil paintings set ready to hang for home decorations wall decor, edges are painted,each panel has a black hook already mounted on the wooden bar for easy hanging out of box.
  • Thick Canvas, high quality oil or Acrylic colors. Palette knife paintings ,100% hand painted. Made of Fine Acrylic, which can keep colorful permanently without fading and cracking.satisfied guarantee. Buy with confidence!
  • Actual painting may be slightly different from the product image due to the different brand of monitors,Please refer to the colors shown in the photo.