RELAX INTO YOUR SOAK , These patented testing strips are designed specifically for bromine sanitized spas and hot tubs calibrated to 100 F . Get a reliable, accurate reading in seconds and enjoy your next soak with loved ones, stress free.
FASTER EASIER THAN LIQUID TESTING KITS , Strips are faster and simpler than liquid testing kits, with accuracy as good or better. Easily read your results with the clear color chart that won t fade with time.
SAVE HUNDREDS FREQUENT TRIPS TO THE POOL STORE , This kit includes 50 spa test strips, which will last 3 4 months testing 2 3 times per week. Save time, money, and avoid hassle while knowing your water is balanced and crystal clear.
4 IN 1 CHEMICAL TESTING , Test for Total Bromine, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, and pH. Most other strips are limited to three tests, while our four provide more complete information about the balance of the water.
MADE IN THE USA FOR MAXIMUM ACCURACY , Test strips made overseas can be inaccurate, hard to read due to bleeding colors, fall apart, or not even work. Instead choose quality with a leading American manufacturer of high grade water testing products.