Patent Pending Active Balance System. Activate the A.B.S. for true free weight feel and benefits. Most people are naturally stronger on one side of their body. The A.B.S helps you eliminate this imbalance.
Functional Training Arms add dozens of exercises to a conventional home gym. You define the path and range of motion, incorporating the use of stabilization and core muscle groups.
Extensive modeling led to the unique, ergonomically designed Leg Curl amp Leg Extension station. The Elite is the only gym that provides Seated Leg Extensions plus Seated AND Standing Leg Curls!
The Elite weight stack provides 10 , 200 pounds of resistance. Not enough No problem. Simply attach the Double Up cables on the Press Arm to the Adjustable Cable Arms. The resistance to the Press Arm is then doubled, providing up to 400 pounds of resistance!
You have a choice of Acrylic colors,plus an optional Leg Press Station is available.