Halco Round Santa Glasses is ranked
3rd in eyewear
and 1st in baby
based on our comprehensive analysis.
Reviewed by more than 504 consumers, more than 63% of the reviews about this
accessory had positive sentiment, meaning that these customers would probably advise purchasing this product when asked about a recommended accessory, eyewear, and baby.
(as of
14/11/2021 08:05 PST
Includes one pair of round wire rim costume accessory glasses.
These round glasses make a great accessory to any Santa Claus suit or Mrs. Claus costume.
Perfect glasses for a colonial Ben Franklin, founding fathers or 18th century period costume.
Great glasses for a Scrooge, Victorian Christmas Caroler, Charles Dickens or 19th century costume.
Excellent costume glasses for a Mark Twain, old man, old woman, old lady or old maid costume.
1 Eyeglass per package
Round glasses with large gold frame and longer stems for Santa and the Mrs.!