WOODLAND NURSERY BUNDLE SAVINGS GIFT PACK! , Includes Bubzi Owl White Noise Sound Machine Baby Footprint Handprint Keepsake Frame To Help Being Your Woodland Nursery To Life!
MOMS 1 FAVORITE BABY KEEPSAKE 3 YEARS RUNNING Before mom knows it, those little hands will be waving goodbye for college. Don t let the fog of new baby exhaustion wipe those precious memories away. Cherish those first special moments with the new baby keepsake that captures their perfect little handprint
SWEET SNUGGLY OWL SOOTHES BABY TO SLEEP GUILT FREE SLEEP TRAINING BEGINS with Bubzi Co soothing sleep owls. Calming lullabies accompany mesmerizing rotating galaxy lights, keeping little one s content, safe and relaxed as they drift off to sleep. PERFECT FOR nurturing healthy sleep habits that help kids stay asleep in their OWN BEDS FOR LIFE priceless!
KEEP THEM CLOSE, EVEN AFTER THEY VE GROWN ONE DAY YOU LL LOOK UP and see a full grown adult with a life of their own. ALWAYS REMEMBER what it felt like when their tiny fingers wrapped around your own by proudly displaying this hands and feet printing kit in a beloved place in your home.
YOU LL FIND YOURSELF USING THIS EVERYWHERE. Take this baby soother along on car rides, stroller walks, tummy time, trips to family , even use it to hold their attention and get those beautiful outstretched arm grins during your family photoshoot. A great calming distraction for the doctors and dentist s office too!