6 Free Replaceable Heads.flexible Handles and One Drive Button for Easy Operating, Never Have to Call a Plumber Or Use of Harsh Chemicals. Abs Plastic Handle, the Surface is Smooth and Easy to Clean.
Shipping from Amazon official warehouse by Amazon FBA Prime Service or from our own great warehouse located in California,United States, or occasionally directly from factory after testing checking the quality of each pack of the items to ship
7 in 1 air pressure plunger Kit.You can receive 5 free accessories.It can be perfectly well used after a single full breath, avoiding repeated inflation. With professional and accurate instrument panel, the pneumatic activity and operating force can be accurately manipulated. It is recommended to inflate to the barometer pointer position 2 4 .Air Drain Blaster Gun with real time display of pressure
The blaster pump is connected with the gun main plunger body and the air pressure is greater than that of the ordinary non inflator, which is more convenient to use. The drain blaster uses the power of high pressure compressed air to blast away the clogs quickly and easily
ABS plastic handle and natural rubber seal head are environmentally and durable.It has interchangeable plunger heads toilet head,washbasin head,Conversion head and Pump head,Feet head.